My Take on Your Fear Impacting My Children

As so many of you realize, our children are missing out on the most important moments of life, thanks to those driving the restrictions of our personal freedoms & the sheep believing the narrative.

My children (well really, OUR children) are missing out on:

•Interacting with adults. I’ve intentionally moved my children into a school where they can physically socialize with children and adults. However, the life lessons of receiving a kind smile and thoughtful words after holding a door open at a store, helping an elderly person reach something on a low shelf, or developing the skill of a polite greeting & handshake have all been obliterated. Most people in public won’t make eye contact with such “nasty-germ-carriers”, and our babies recognize these looks.

•Church & Sunday School lessons. Virtual lessons are not working. The relationships with my Sunday School teachers & classmates were some of the most critical in teaching me right from wrong, how & why to pray, and what faith truly means. Most children have missed a year of their religious education & development.

•Learning how to read expressions. This is critical in teaching them how to relate to others, and how to determine the emotions in the person they are approaching. Their instincts to know if a person means well develops at a young age, and we are cutting their chances of developing strong instincts about others in half, by covering up faces.

•Group sports. I refuse to require my children to wear a mask during physical activities, which as a parent I absolutely have the right. This principle significantly limits the activities that they can be involved in. This can affect their future involvement, interest, and eventually their collegiate plans.

•Many young children are missing out on a true education—-before you take that as a judgmental statement, please observe any child 6 or under attempting to focus on just 1 hour of a virtual lesson.

•Most children are missing out on building a strong immune system, which will protect them as they age.

•Obviously, children are missing out on so many aspects of socialization. Children need to interact with others to learn how to react when their feelings are hurt, or when they’re happy, or when they’re angry. We are stunting our children’s emotional intelligence.

•Our children are missing out on all the exciting big first events that parents dream about taking them to: (1) their first professional ballgame, (2) their first outdoor concert, (3) all of their big or small town holiday parades, and (4) their first parent-child jam-packed road race.

So the next time you consider approaching me (or any parent) about not wearing a mask, you better recognize it’s about so much more than, “I just don’t want to,” “It’s uncomfortable,” or, “I don’t believe in it.”

It’s about our children being robbed of their childhoods.

It’s about all of us parents, being robbed of experiencing the true joy of raising our children in a normal free society.

It’s about robbing our babies of their education, their religious beliefs, their health, their emotional intelligence, their abilities to be a productive members of society… and most importantly, their joy.

And if you’re approaching me, then you better realize I see YOU as the THIEF. So you best proceed with caution.

This bullshit has gone on long enough.

Parents, for the love of God, please come together and push back against all of the restrictions on our freedoms.

Our children are counting on us to be fearless.

Our children are counting on us to defend them.

Our children are counting on us.
