I. Am. Happy.

Woke up feeling grateful, blessed, and happy.

Not my normal Thursday morning vibe, as you might’ve noticed.

Thought I better switch up my tone/‘tude for my more sensitive friends… getting a few too many “take it one day at a time” responses, instead of my desired “hells yeah” response.

So why am I happy?

I am happy:

Because of my beautiful babies, my strong & hardworking husband, and my close-knit, supportive & loving Gillick-fam!

Because I have some kick-ass friends.

Because of my damn beagles… who instantly flip on their backs for a belly rub anytime you enter a 4’ radius from them.

Because of my chickens—-so calming and yet hilarious to watch run, walk, and spook each other.

Because we’ve been able to weather this quarantine-storm out on our acreage, without too many adjustments to life.

Because social media has allowed me to know, stay in touch with, and understand so many people from past chapters in my life.

Because social media gives me an outlet to express myself, my ideas, my stupid workouts, and my emotions … allowing others to know me better.

Because I was raised to be a fighter, a survivor, never a victim, and to speak my truth.

Because this great nation allows me to speak my truth.

Because I was raised to accept that others may not live like me, or look like me, or love like me, or talk like me, or think like me…and it’s still ok to totally dig them and accept them for their differences.

Because the chaos in our world combined with social media, has allowed me to connect & have thoughtful/meaningful conversations about others’ views on our big issues today…

Because I don’t personally know anyone that has gotten COVID yet…

Because, if it gets to the point that I’m forced to wear a mask (against my personal beliefs), that 2 of my ahhhh-mazing girlfriends were sweet enough to make me some schnazzy looking ones.

Because my work & kiddos keep me so busy that I never have time to watch the depressing news.

Because we are going into a long weekend of a patriotic holiday, where we get to celebrate this beautiful nation.

Because of all of my family members & friends who have chosen to serve & protect our country at some point in their lives.

Because of fishing.

Because of 4-wheeling.

Because my family is coming over this weekend to our property to help knock out some projects & celebrate together.

Because of Waylon, Willie, & Merle.

Because dark chocolate & dry red wine.

Because I live in the most amazing country in the world.

Because I just finished a badass 2-hour workout & got to kick the shit out of a bag.

Because I’m not offended.

Because of our breathtaking American Flag.

Because of God, the father almighty.

Because of ice cold beer.

And mostly because it’s Thursday, and that’s the last day of this damn short week.
