Let’s Start the Difficult Conversations, Shall We?

Let’s start the difficult conversations … to get us moving towards a solution.

I keep hearing how it is a time for difficult conversations.

The term “conversation” implies questions and statements are allowed in both directions.

I have a few statements/points here I’d like to make, followed by what could be an uncomfortable question, open for conversation. Any hate, in any direction, will be erased from my thread.

I’ve done a lot of self-reflection over the last few weeks.

I keep hearing that because I am white I must hate Black Americans. Or that I must have bias against Black Americans. That I must be internally racist towards Black Americans… and from Matt McConaughey’s interview that I need “to acknowledge that I’ll see a black man and, for whatever reason, I will view them as more of a threat than a white man. Probably because society told me to”.

This doesn’t have me questioning my heart, because the hate isn’t inside of me. I wasn’t taught to hate anyone, ever.

But regardless, like all of us, I’ve done a lot of self reflection on this over the past few weeks. Thinking through scenarios that could have caused me to treat a Black American differently than any other person, or situations where I have been scared of Black Americans more than others.

What I realized in this self-reflection is 2 things:

#1 I grew up in a different world. I grew up when people who were gay had to hide it, where women who were raped were always blamed, and where interracial relationships were frowned upon. But the world has changed, and most of those injustices are on the right path to being eliminated. Are they 100% fixed?—-no. For example: Back in my military years, was I a victim of sexual harassment/discrimination/assault—-yes. Did I report it back in the day? Hell, no—-because I saw how women were treated afterwards. Would I report it now? Maybe—-the system is still scary. But for the last few years all sorts of intelligent fellow human beings have been pushing change forward to correct a terrible injustice in our system. Is the fix fast enough—-never. But we are getting there.

So as for the world back then, I can’t even relate or remember connecting to what the world was like, because I was a kid. The world when we were children didn’t define us. Did it hurt us, at times? Sure. But I am not responsible for how our world operated when I was a child. I grew up, got educated on the world, personally fought against injustices I had experienced through sexual harassment/assault on various task forces, and kept trying to make the world a better place. Some of my closest friends, my favorite humans, are members of the LGBTQ community, are men, and are Black Americans. I want all humans to be happy, be kind, work hard, live how they want, love how they want… and drink beer😂 The world when I was a child didn’t define me.

#2 My second self-reflective realization, is that I may have “bias” towards people who appear unsafe for various reasons. I have always been someone who will cross the street to maintain a self-defensive posture if I feel unsafe (which I not only support, but I encourage for personal safety).

The description for an “unsafe” person in my book is not a Black American.

Someone who fits this “unsafe” description for me is:

-Any emotionally-agitated person (any color, any sex, any time of day)

-Any person (any color, any sex) that is out and about when it’s dark at night or the morning (i.e., when I’ve been out running early morning in a big city, I will cross the street if I see any human approaching me).

-Any person (any color, any sex, any time of day) who appears to be under the influence of something (this could be based on their walk/movements, their eyes, any markings (like from needles) on their arms, or if their teeth are significantly deteriorated (indicating possible drug use).

-If I am in an isolated area (like out in the middle of corn fields), where there isn’t a lot traffic, any person (any color, any sex, any time of day), where I feel like their size would prohibit me from protecting myself (this does end up being mostly men, since I’m a taller woman).

-If I’m in a high crime rate area in any city at any time of day, any person (any color, any sex).

-Any person who appears to be suspect in their surroundings or behaviors. For example, this could be a couple of teenagers (any color, or sex) covered in tattoos (mind you, I have 4 tattoos myself and recognize this may be unfair) and looking in garages in a subdivision. This item here I could see as being questioned as being racist, but in more cases than not it has been white people (for me, personally).

I will always err on the side of caution when it comes to protecting myself, and will teach my children to do the same.

These examples I’ve pulled from my past when I’ve lived in Boston, DC, Key West, and now, St. Louis. I don’t see these as racist decisions, but as intelligent risk-based, self-defense-type decisions.

But it does have me questioning why I keep getting told how I feel. How I think. How I hate. This is extraordinarily aggravating, if you are wondering. Hence, the daily use of my punching bag.

Imagine this as an example… someone walks up to me and says:

Person: Lindsey, you’re short.

Me: Ummm, no I’m not.

Person: Yes, you are. You’re short.

Me: Actually, I’m several inches taller than the average height of US women.

Person: Well, if you’re not going to admit you’re short, you’re part of the problem.

Me: (scratching my head, and starting to question my height) That’s so weird… always thought I was tall, maybe I was wrong.

Person: Exactly. You are definitely short.

Me: (after remeasuring my height) What are you talking about? I’M NOT SHORT.

Person: You ARE the problem.

Arghghghgh! This is soooo aggravating. So insulting. So condescending. So NOT productive.

We will get nowhere towards fixing injustice & racism if our approach is to:

1. Tell everyone how they feel & what they believe in.

2. To tell people that if they grew up in a world that tolerated racism, that they weren’t intelligent enough to grow up and become an adult who stands against it.

3. Cause more division by grouping folks by their skin color and making broad stereotypes about the group… like all white people have internal racism, or like all black people are rioters.

4. Start spreading racism or hate towards other types of people. Racism can go any direction.

We are on the edge of a cliff right now as a nation… will we use our good hearts & brains to figure out how to bring our country together? Or will we fall off the edge?

So now for my provocative question —— Since I keep reading that as a white person, I was raised with hate & bias in my heart towards the black community, I have to ask how were Black Americans taught to view me. Can my Black American FB friends tell me if you were taught to hate me (because I was white) when you were young? White friends, comment all you want on this post, but please refrain from posting your opinion on the answer to this specific question.





I. Am. Angry. Again.

Soooo angry.

Woke up angry.

I think it must be a Thursday-thing.

So here I am again…. hitting something.

Working out so I don’t flip the fuck out.

Anywho, why am I angry?

You may care, you may not.

Regardless, just like before, if you don’t keep scrolling past this post you’re gonna hear why…

And again, some of these are fair things to be angry about… some not so much… some reasons contradict other reasons because I’m an emotional chick… but regardless they’re still adding to my pissy mood.

And a few reasons are repeats from my last rant, just because they rolled perfectly off my tongue… or text.

And a reminder… PSA: I’m a sailor at heart… do not continue to read if you’re offended by bad language.

I’m STILL angry:

Because my children are destructive little terrorists, whom I constantly crave to be around, but also have to now send to daycare (for my sanity).

Because of my 43 yo metabolism.

Because I planted a gigantic garden that makes me act like a child on Christmas morning when something new sprouts up, but that it is also another big thing to take care of.

Because this damn quarantine has my hair showing more roots, grays, and split ends than ever.

Because of fucking laundry.

Because all of the Illinois yummy & fun church chicken dinners are cancelled this summer.

Because my damn beagles have started confusing my gym as a johnny, so I can’t let them “workout” with me.

Because my husband… again, I’m not sure why I’m angry at him right now but I guarantee there’s a reason 😂

Because the COVID19 quarantine continues to dribble on.

Because there’s even a question out there about whether our children should go back to school in the fall.

Because in the last couple weeks I’ve encountered even more friends that have lost their jobs due to this pandemic.

Because of the trend of “Karen’s” telling others what is right vs wrong.

Because the 98% survival rate.

Because we flattened the curve, yet here we sit on lockdown.

Because people across the country lost their shit about that one Lake of the Ozarks gathering and yet the number of new cases as a result are …..1?

Because I miss concerts.

Because I miss sporting events—-and I don’t even watch the event when I’m there.

Because I miss big, germy, public swimming pools.

Because I miss hugs—- and for those who know me, know I hate hugs… and touching in general😂

Because the zoo——my fave place in the world, but also the hottest place in the universe during STL summers—- requires face masks.

Because of the CDC.

Because of the jackass politicians behind the decision that no large public gatherings are safe for any of us, except those protesting—-a decision which makes no fucking sense.

Because the gathering at the Lake of the Ozarks was condemned across the country as a reason COVID19 will continue to spread, but the protests 10x in size haven’t been?

Because the inhumane death of George Floyd could’ve been the catalyst that brought us all together to fight racism, but instead is now tearing our country apart.

Because the fact that after George Floyd’s death, we all nodded and said we need to stop injustice & racism, but now we are spreading racism even further than the black community——racism against whites people/old people/business owners/etc.

Because no one should be afraid of any injustice or hate because of their skin color (any skin color) … and yet this continues on our soil.

Because I keep getting ordered to admit the hate in my heart (which I haven’t found yet), but no one is asking the destructive looters/rioters to admit the hate in theirs.

Because instead of working on flattening the curve of hate we’ve now put hate-targets on police officers, Republicans, and white people.

Because of ANTIFA’s bullshit agenda.

Because of the ridiculous notion that we should defund police.

Because we have introduced a significant amount of crime in the last 3 months (releasing prisoners due to COVID, not to mention the riots, violence, destruction), and yet there are communities restricting the 2nd amendment rights of our citizens.

Because we have decided it’s more important to erase our history, than learn from it.

Because politicians and the destructive-rioters are more focused on blame than solutions.

Because… where are the fucking solutions?

Because… where are the fucking leaders?

Because it’s been 2.5 weeks since George Floyd’s death, and we’ve made no progress as a nation.

Because hateful hearts are beating out love-filled hearts.

Because of big brother.

Because of social distancing.

Because Nancy Pelosi has made it her #1 priority to match her outfits with her face mask.

Because flu season is right around the corner.

Because police are surrendering.

Because Seattle’s CHOP.

Because of the mainstream media.

Because everyone is offended about everything.

Because unemployment rates keep rising.

Because common sense keeps dropping.

Because of that fucking Wuhan lab.

Because it’s truly always about politics.

And AGAIN, because it’s only Thursday of a long damn week.

I. Am. Angry

I. Am. Angry.

Soooo angry.

Woke up angry.

Picture Sally Fields at the grave scene in Steel Magnolias …“I’m so mad I just want to hit something”…

So here I am… hitting something.

I workout to work out the anger.

Now I’m getting my 3 miles in on my treadmill, typing with one thumb… because (1) I’m old and I type w/one thumb, and (2) because I need to make sure these steps are counting by swinging my other arm. 😂

Anywho, why am I angry?

You may care, you may not.

Regardless, if you don’t keep scrolling past this post you’re gonna hear why…

Some of these are fair things to be angry about… some not so much… some reasons contradict other reasons… but regardless they’re still adding to my pissy mood.

I start out slow and silly with my reasons of anger, and then pick up the pace towards our current culture rather quickly. PSA: I’m a sailor at heart… do not continue to read if you’re offended by bad language.

I’m angry:

Because my children are growing up too fast.

Because of mom-brain.

Because the best foods like pizza and tacos are the worst foods.

Because despite my best warrior tactics I keep getting older.

Because my gym was littered with all sorts of Barbie toys this morning.

Because my damn beagles love to runaway.

Because my husband… I’m not sure why I’m angry at him right now but I’ll think of a good reason by the time he gets home😂

Because I will get responses to this post that say “you should be sweeter to your husband” or “you should really be counting your blessings”…

Because of COVID19.

Because I’m certain this quarantine is going to affect my kids’ education & development.

Because my friends & family & so many others are being financially destroyed by this virus.

Because I miss people.

Because I miss big backyard get-togethers.

Because I miss girls-nights.

Because I miss hole-in-the-wall bars stocked with natty light & a jukebox.

Because of the CDC.

Because people feel the right to tell others how to love, live, and exist.

Because of George Floyd’s inhumane death.

Because of every fucking form of discrimination.

Because people reading this will be offended by my language.

Because every beautiful, respectful, and brave police officer is willingly continuing to protect us, knowing damn well that they have a target on their heads.

Because of how scared every police officer’s family has to be right now.

Because of injustice.

Because of assholes.

Because of how many of my Black American friends & coworkers (& those I don’t know) have had to grow up with systemic racism.

Because of how many of my Black American friends & coworkers (and those I don’t know) have had to grow up scared because of the color of their skin.

Because I will never have the right words of comfort for this situation.

Because of the destruction, violence, and looting.

Because no one can say they’re against destruction, violence, and looting without being called tone deaf or racist.

Because no other discrimination has been used as a platform that allows destruction of cities.

Because no one is allowed to openly talk about our country’s race issue without being blasted.

Because of the word privilege.

Because I was raised by a blue collar family that started out in a trailer … and I earned every inch of my life.

Because someone will feel the need to school me on the word privilege.

Because of all the holier-than-thou posts from white people that bash white people in general or that start out with “If you need me to help you understand black people…” (I am not talking about those that have a family that includes Black Americans and have lived with discrimination).

Because of all the mean-spirited, hate-filled posts… in any direction.

Because of all the people I’ve had to unfriend because they’d rather spew hate than help find the right path forward…. and because my soul can’t take one more drip of hate.

Because celebrities won’t just shut up and listen.

Because we aren’t focused on solutions.

Because the wrong agendas are being pushed by the wrong people, which is impeding the right solution for our country.

Because 100% of us agree that George Floyd’s death was wrong, but 0% can agree on the next right step or solution.

Because our beautiful country & thriving economy are being destroyed throughout all of this mayhem.

Because nowadays, it feels like (even as a veteran) you can’t be pro-America, truly patriotic, and proud to be an American without being called racist.

Because the government keeps getting bigger.

Because our freedoms keep getting smaller.

Because of face masks.

Because of the mainstream media.

Because of that fucking Wuhan lab.

Because it’s truly always about politics.

And because it’s only Thursday of a long damn week.