My Take on Cults

I’ve been hearing the word “cult” thrown around quite a bit lately…

So, I looked up the official definition on Google:”

1. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

2. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.”

The first definition doesn’t apply to the use nowadays, as our group is comprised of 80 million people (hardly small).

So, I am assuming, the keyboard-tough-guys using this term about Trumpers are linking us to the 2nd definition: a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.

So, as you might guess, I have a few opinions on this.

The biggest inaccurate assumption by those who hate Trump/Trumpers is that we idolize Trump. As I read through many posts, comments & MSM articles categorizing Trumpers, the main theme I get from our political opponents is that we must all be stupid redneck racists to idolize the big, bad, orange man. It makes lefties crazy, trying to understand what could possibly be going on with the brains of all of their friends & family, whom they’ve always understood & loved up to this point.

The logical answer is we are part of a cult.

That President Trump must have used his witty, eloquent speech to lure all of us “dimwits” into his lair.

If that was the answer, I think this could be such an easy situation for those on the left to process.

Sadly, it’s not. It’s actually so much simpler to explain, but from my point of view, when I’ve made the poor decision to try and verbally debate with a lefty in the past, and therefore open my mouth to explain my point of view, in most cases there are flames that rise up in my “accusers” eyes…. and suddenly, it feels like we are stumbling around in the town of Babel, with no path to communicate.

So let me try typing it out here, and see if it helps.

I am not speaking on behalf of all the Trumpers out there, but I believe most are aligned with my point of view…. well, because I’m amazing 😂.

I don’t idolize Trump.

I poke fun of his orange-ness & his inability to give a speech without saying “millions and millions”.

I realize there have been times his tweets might not have been Presidential, per se, but have always brought me joy because he’s not afraid to speak his mind.

I don’t particularly like his hair… 😂 I was holding out hope for a man bun, but you get my point…. I don’t idolize him.

I “idolize” (and I say that, meaning to the strongest level possible without violating the Ten Commandments) the United States of America.

My blood bleeds red, white, & blue. I’m a patriot, and I love our country.

Now, I absolutely dig the shit out of Trump. Why? Because he has fought harder for all of the values & beliefs that I support, than any man in history.

He didn’t back down from lifetime politicians.

He didn’t let the horrifically biased MSM slow his roll.

He didn’t let the continuous onslaught of hypocritical (and 100% out of touch) celebrity attacks hurt his feelings.

He didn’t let the continuous accusations from the left affect his momentum.

He got in office, and immediately started annihilating his to-do list (ya know, his list of promises to his voters). This was so awesome to watch as a conservative, because so often our political representatives have made so many side-deals prior to getting in office, that once they finally get into office, they are unable to fulfill their promises.

Well, Trump was an outsider. He didn’t owe jack-shit to anyone on Capital Hill, which made him an amazing threat to the left & to the spineless RINOs. And we (the Trumpers) could see this immediately.

Honestly, in November 2016, most of us were hoping for the best, but expecting mediocre, based on historical precedence.

But we became #1 fans when we saw all of our values & beliefs being attacked by the left & the media, and this 70-ish year old man boldly standing between our attackers and us.

We don’t idolize him.

We truly respect him as a strong, honest, uncompromising, lionhearted-leader that he has shown himself to be for our party of patriots.

It’s so sad, because our media has become so biased and untrustworthy, that none of us can be certain of the real facts anymore. And I know my haters/trollers are sitting back making redline edits to each statement and accomplishment I’ve proclaimed here about my President.

But, as I’ve said “millions and millions and millions” of times, I’m not trying to change anyone’s point of view. I’m merely trying to explain mine.

The scary part of all of the bullshit from this last year, is I don’t know anyone foolish enough to try and follow his footsteps. Anyone that would, would walk into it knowing:

1. Their family would be unfairly tormented & torn apart by the media and all the tough-guy keyboard-nasties out there.

2. Despite his/her best efforts to drive America to the highest level of success, his/her political enemies would rather destroy the country, the communities, the patriotism, the economy in order to protect their self-interests.

3. Even if he/she won the election fair & square, it would be filled with fraud (proof of which would be available via videos & affidavits, but which would be censored by big-tech opponents), and would result in an unfair loss.

4. The bottom line, that the only outcome in our current system would be loss. Because our system is rigged, broken, and no longer trustworthy to at least 1/2 our population.

So one last analogy, to try and make my point of view crystal-clear.

Imagine as you lay your head on your pillow tonight and start to drift soundly to sleep, a group of people bust through your front door.

They forcibly grab you and your spouse & children, and throw you out on the front porch. You hear a few clicks, and realize the locks are changed.

Shocked & exhausted, you gather up your family and start walking down the driveway in search of where to stay for the night, when one of the intruders walks up behind you and extends his hand. He says, “No hard feelings, bud, hope we can stay friends.”

This is how true Trumpers feel right now. “Millions and millions and millions” of people feel like we have just been unfairly thrown out on our front porches in the middle of the night.

And sadly, the only person we know that can help us right the wrong is Trump.

So is that a cult, well I don’t think so.

That’s true belief & respect in a leader.

So throw whatever terms around about us that you want, because we’re not scared.

We have God and Trump on our side.

If you’re on the left, the only thing you should be pissed about, is you’ll never, ever, EVER, experience this type of truly-devoted political leader on your side.

And calling us names is probably easier than realizing that… so carry on, we understand.





My Take on Restoring Patriotism

Sorry I’ve been absent a few days… went to Key West with my momma & sister for a much needed girls trip & tried to stay away from technology/politics as much as possible. It was awesome.

I gotta tell you, the first 2 weeks of this year, were so intense, that I was struggling to find a peaceful moment to where I could form a clear rationale thought. The news, the tweets, the trolls, the censorship, the capital, people relying on the MSM as their news source, the 6th in general… too much shit to process thoroughly. And worse than not finding any peaceful-moments, I was struggling to believe in the base of patriotism in our country.

For those that follow me, probably know a few things about me (in no particular order).

1. I’m super cool & witty. 😂

2. I love my family, especially my little terrorist-children.

3. I’m pretty darn country.

4. I like to work hard/play hard.

5. I like to shoot guns.

6. I don’t like anyone (especially the government or Karen’s) telling me (or anyone else for that matter) what to do or how to live.

7. I appreciate & respect all walks of life, all the different ways people do life, and all points of view about politics/life ….but my friends have grown to understand that I will always feel comfortable roaring about my beliefs (with minimal interest in their opinions of my beliefs😂).

8. I love President Trump.

9. I believe in God.

10. I love the United States of America.

So anywho, last week, we rolled into my favorite badass little town, known to be relatively liberal-leaning. In fact, the first night we hung out with locals, and they warned us to not talk about our support for Trump with anyone.

Well, as I already mentioned, I don’t like being told what to do….

So we mentioned it, in almost every restaurant & bar we visited.

And I’ll tell you, every single group of folks we met (& there were a ton, because everyone loves my momma, aka Spring Break Barbara) were Trumpers.

On top of that, the owners/singers in Irish Kevin’s were so pro-America & pro-military! Everything about this tourist bar filled me with pride! They have a tv on the wall flipping through veterans pictures/bios, they have a gigantic American flag hanging from the ceiling, and every singer individually points out & thanks every active duty/veteran during their set. This bar, that I’ve patronized almost yearly since I was stationed in Key West back in 2002, completely restored my faith in true patriotism. This was exactly what I needed—-a patriotic recharge!

One particular singer, Trenton Chandler, had us all “stand on our feet, take our caps off, place our hand over our heart, and say the Pledge of Allegiance.” He followed it with singing “Courtesy of the Red, White, & Blue”…. and concluded with a “USA”-chant. Each time he did it, the crowd was crazy.

My favorite of all his words that day, just as we were getting ready to say the Pledge of Allegiance was: “Everyone look around and make note of who in here is choosing not to stand, that tells you all you need to know about them.”

God Bless, Trenton Chandler.

God Bless, Irish Kevin’s!

God Bless, Trump!

And God Bless, America!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




My Take On How to Properly use the phrase “Fuck You”

PSA-Clearly, this blog will contain foul language, don’t proceed if it will offend you.

If you’re someone who leaves an empty toilet paper roll on the toilet paper holder, fuck you.

If you’re someone who puts dirty dishes in the sink instead of directly into the dishwasher, fuck you.

If you’re someone who parks too close to other cars making it difficult for others to get in and out of their vehicle, fuck you.

If you’re in the service industry and you are a crab ass to your customers because you hate people, fuck you.

If you feel safer wearing a mask, and therefore think it must be mandated that all others wear masks, fuck you.

Regardless of political affiliation, if you despise and spew hate at an opposing political candidate, and then also decide you despise and must spew hate at anyone that follows this candidate (meaning, anyone that doesn’t agree with you), fuck you.

If you have not questioned the legitimacy behind closing down small businesses and mandating ridiculously low occupancy restrictions on these businesses, while Walmart and every other big chain is allowed to stay wide open with zero occupancy restrictions, fuck you.

If you are a person who is afraid to eat out, and in order to control your fear has called the health department on any restaurant for not obediently following the restrictions placed upon them, fuck you.

If you are a restaurant owner, and you have diligently followed the restrictions recently placed upon your business (due to fear or beliefs or whatever), but have turned around and called the health department on your competition for not following these restrictions, fuck you.

If you’re ok with the government shutting down our churches, fuck you. (Not sure I should use “church” and “fuck” in the same sentence, but I’m gonna roll with it)

If you have dug into any of the data around COVID, and therefore realize the stats behind this virus don’t support shutting down our schools, and you’ve done nothing about it (despite the serious impact on our children), fuck you.

If you are someone that supported the violence, chaos, and destruction of government and private property earlier in 2020, and you have suddenly been offended by the ANTIFA-led destruction on January 6th, fuck you.

If you’ve called for investigations into every police shooting this year, except for the one on January 6th, fuck you.

If you’re someone who is blindly following the one-sided narrative of the MSM, fuck you.

If you’re a public servant that was put in place to ensure the integrity of our election, and you were set to voice your concerns on January 6th but changed your mind because you got scared, fuck you.

If you are someone that read any of the affidavits or watched any of the videos showing any possibility of voter fraud in this past election, and you don’t care or did nothing about it, fuck you.

If you are in support of any form of Big Tech censorship of the American people (especially the POTUS), fuck you.

If you are someone who doesn’t actually post anything about your own beliefs or passions on social media, but instead you sit around and troll on other people’s pages just to bash their beliefs, fuck you.

If you’re someone who is ridiculously tough and nasty behind your computer screen, but in reality you don’t have the courage to be tough in person, fuck you.

If you don’t believe (or in the very least, seriously question) that the “attack” on the 6th wasn’t clearly a set-up (based on the supporting countless videos), fuck you.

Fuck you, because you are part of the problem.

P.S. stay tuned for my next little ditty, “How to Properly use the phrase “Fuck Off”.

My Take on Winning & Losing

We all grow up learning how it feels to win and lose.

Some get more experiences based on how they are raised and based on how many activities/sports they participate in, but almost everyone understands the feeling.

When you win, you’re on top of the world; filled with pride and excitement! Think back to the St. Louis Cardinal’s 2006 World Series win in the 9th inning of game 7! Hells yeah, Yadier!!! I mean, really… has there been a better win😂 The crowd exploded, strangers were high-5-ing and hugging all over the city! Hell, I’m a non-hugger, and I think I flipped my stance for the night. The euphoric feeling is so amazing after a big win!

Now think about your personal experiences in loss. I’ve definitely lost many times in races & track meets through high school & college. I’ve lost contests, competitions, and job roles I was fighting for. The feelings that come from loss suck: depression, irritation, humiliation, embarrassment, sadness, disconnectedness…

But life is about winning and losing. It’s important that we teach our children to be strong enough to move on past losing with a hopeful heart, and to also learn how to be humble & proud winners. You just can’t (easily) survive life without those skills.

So, that brings me to today, January 7, 2021. Yesterday will be a day in America that so many of us will remember for various reasons and with various perspectives.

I won’t assume to understand or write about the perspectives different than mine, but here is how I will remember yesterday:

Yesterday, every patriot & Trump supporter was caught off guard.

We walked into the morning of the 6th with hope (that was absolutely larger than life), and ended the day defeated, disgusted, and lost.

That morning, as millions of peaceful Trump supporters marched through DC together, we still had hope that the process had a tiny inkling of still working, that it could still be adjusted to get us back on course…

But we were wrong.

For the last 4 years, we’ve watched as our POTUS bravely fought the MSM, while uncovering more and more immoral and illegal behavior of our politicians and their “supporters behind the curtain”.

We connected the dots between Soros, the lab in Wuhan, the intentional panic created over COVID19, the repeated usage of ANTIFA to drive social unrest, the censorship by big tech, the clearly documented election fraud, and the planned destruction of our economy.

But, we didn’t see yesterday coming.

The crystal-clear (paid) set-up against Trump-supporters, during the most important debate in my lifetime, was a game-changer. What an ingenious play. It resulted in backlash and blame towards Trumpers, and made our cowardly Senators/Representatives suddenly decide they’d “just count the votes” instead of completing their due diligence into the investigation of election fraud. Nicely played.

At the end of the day, the other team had completed a playbook that should be a #1 bestseller by now—-“How to Take Down a United States President”.

Now, as I said, we weren’t expecting that final right hook.

But for those supporting the election fraud (aka turning a blind eye to it), this is what you’re probably NOT expecting:

We the people…. the 74 million people that support Trump… aren’t experiencing feelings of loss today.

We aren’t walking off the field after shaking hands.

We aren’t going home to cry ourselves to sleep.

We didn’t lose.

In previous elections, both sides have always figured out how to move forward and peacefully transition power, because the US believed one party won and one party lost. Not this time.

There is one huge difference between past elections and now…

This election was stolen.

As a country, we’ve just witnessed a Tonya Harding attack on our freedom, and are expected to do nothing about it. Imagine if Tonya had taken out Yadier’s knee, as he walked up to bat …. and St. Louis was told they had to accept the loss—-Busch Stadium would’ve come crashing down.

So, rest-assured, instead of moping off to our homes in our respective states, we are rising together.

You won’t see sadness in our eyes, you’ll see a look of unbridled determination.

This is our country.

We ARE the people.

We’ll be damned it we’re going to let it be stolen, corrupted, & destroyed.

We aren’t violent, but we’re also not afraid to stand up for our rights.

So, saddle up.

It ain’t over.

My Take on Chapter 2021—Calling All Patriots

I went out to Eureka (my hometown) with my kiddos to spend New Year’s Day with my family. I spent the first half of my life in this small town, and it’s where my parents & siblings & cousin still resides. Since the time when I lived there, this teensy tight-knit town has at least tripled in size.

So, anywho, on New Years Day I posted a feisty post on a Eureka-group page on FB, aimed at challenging my hometown to come out and dine at our local restaurants. It was like any other blog I’ve written, laced with bad language & my amazing sense of humor:) The post included a picture of me and my parents and sister sitting inside a Eureka restaurant, where the owner was being bold enough to stand up to the indoor dining lockdown mandates by offering inside dining 3 days before the mandate is lifted. (Note: For those unaware, St. Louis County is the only county in the state restricting indoor dining).

So I posted my challenge and asked people who were not afraid to come out to come fill this restaurant, while also suggesting those who were afraid stayed safely tucked away at home.

A few hours later I visited another Eureka restaurant and did the same thing—-posted and challenged Eureka to join me at the restaurant.

There was no ill intent on my post, I was truly just trying to help out some small businesses during these ridiculous restrictions.

Well, the result was insane. The large majority of responses were positive—-with over 700 likes/loves between the 2 posts within 24 hours. However, there was a good 20+ repeat commentators who despised me and/or the message I was sharing…. and they filled the threads with their hatred and anger.

These haters called me names & made fun of me in little fast-typing cliques.

These haters took jabs at my 75 year old parents.

These haters called me selfish.

These haters called me part of the problem.

These haters trolled on my personal social media pages to try and use my words against me.

These haters called me an entitled white woman (because that’s not sexist or racist).

These haters hated that I mentioned I was a veteran.

These haters hated that I grew up in this small town —— as I found out from these intellectuals, made me “small town royalty.”

These haters just let it rip.

Amazingly, 99% of these haters had never met me, and only two of the haters I went to high school with or with their siblings.

Now, I’d love to say I was perfectly behaved. But… of course, I didn’t sit on the sidelines like an angel taking an ass-whooping:) I threw out my best immature jabs and lots of F-bombs (not my proudest moments😂). And although it was entertaining and fun for the first hour, it grew old fast. I hadn’t realized as a rookie to the page that I was dealing with professionals. This was much different than posting on my private page where most folks are calm and respectful, I was dealing with a group of people used to just tearing apart other humans.

And, despite receiving quite a few personal messages appreciating me for leading the fight, I woke up the next day feeling drained, disgusted, and demotivated.

It took me all day to think through why.

Well, one of my most important New Years Resolutions is trying to figure out a way to make a difference on the freedom restrictions that are happening to us today in America. I’m sure lots of you have more interesting resolutions, and may find mine odd or just disagree with my goal…. and that’s cool. But to me, it’s become my North Star in a year of crazy. Last year I blogged about this topic… a lot. That was my attempt to bring about change. And although I heard a lot of support, it was all just words. Nothing actually happened.

This year I want to contribute to an actual meaningful change. So I kicked off the year with the aforementioned Eureka Group posts, and spent the day responding to angry gnats. These were not just the gnats from last summer that stay right in your eyelashes driving you batshit crazy, these little suckers bit, as well.

These were gnats who do not know me or my family. They don’t know my intentions or my heart. They have no idea what I stand for, nor what I’ve lived through and accomplished. They are just gnats. And I know I will not achieve a real change by spending my 2021 days responding to gnats, who are hell bent on gnawing off my eyelashes.

Sometime yesterday afternoon, I had an amazing moment of clarity, and I was filled with hope and strength once again—-it hit me, these haters… these gnats… have one thing in common—-fear.

They are afraid. They’re afraid of COVID19. They’re afraid of non-mask wearers. They’re afraid of citizens and restaurants defying laws that could somehow impact them. They’re afraid of the health inspector. They’re afraid of fines. They’re simply afraid to live freely.

And the more scared they get, the more they want us to understand their fear. And when we don’t, they want to take away our freedoms to protect themselves. They want to control us. They want to lockdown our small businesses. They want to lockdown our schools & churches. When they hear a big mouth like me voicing my points about freedom & liberty, they want to publicly destroy me in hopes of suppressing any others sharing my beliefs. Their fear is destroying our economy, our communities, and our youth.

So, they are afraid. Big deal. Because I am not afraid.

I. Am. Not. Afraid.

And more importantly, the silent majority is not afraid. These types of nasty-gnats are the catalyst to the creation of the silent majority. They believe if they destroy one little “entitled white woman” on social media, they will keep the rest of the population in line. But that’s where they are so wrong—-them attacking someone for not following their beliefs only makes the silent majority stronger.

We, the silent majority, are not afraid.





Not afraid of catching a virus.

Not afraid of standing up to restrictions and mandates that go against our beliefs and values.

Not afraid of fearlessly voicing our opinions in miles of chummed waters.

It all seems so clear to me now.

We simply need a group of patriots—Think silent majority with some teeth.

This group will need some strong thought-leaders that will help us fight back against these politicized, ridiculous restrictions.

Our thought-leaders will need to come together to develop a decisive and fast-paced plan.

We will need legal counsel, a social media SME, help with screening new members, and so much more. The more help and support the better.

If you’re at all interested in being part of this group, pm me.

So many of my friends keep asking me how they can make a difference. They know they hate these restrictions and hate every overreaching action of our crooked politicians, but don’t know what to do about it. If you’ve been asking yourself the same question, now is your chance. You can be involved as much or as little as you want, but it’s time to take a stand.

2021 will not be the evil sister of 2020.

We do not have to continue to accept these bullshit restrictions.

This chapter will be about change, and I’m not wasting anymore time arguing with nervous-ninnies.

The time has come.

Who is with me?

P.S. To my silent majority friends, I will be attacked again on this thread by “those filled with fear.” Don’t engage, don’t lose hope, and don’t worry about me. I’ve got broad shoulders. Let them buzz and bite till their quivery-little bodies run out of steam.