My Take On JUST

For all of you starting to mutter the words, “They JUST want to ban AR-15s… those aren’t hunting guns… I can get behind that.”

JUST remember…

It was JUST supposed to be a 14 day lockdown.

It was JUST supposed to be a couple weeks to flatten the curve.

It ended up being…

JUST a year or so of being mandated where to physically stand, when to personally mask-up, and how to physically move through public areas.

JUST a few hundred thousand business owners were forced to close their doors permanently.

JUST the utmost sickening control of every single public school age child —- being forced to wear masks 8+ hours a day for 1-2 years of education, making them stay clear of any physical contact with their friends, and destroying their immune system.

JUST thousands of workers fired for refusing an experimental vaccination.

JUST an unknown (highly protected number) & undoubtedly scary)) amount of sudden deaths due to those choosing to get vaccinated.




Have you learned nothing in the past 2 years?

Quit giving your fucking rights away.



My Take on Not Caring

If you’re white, I don’t care.

If you’re black, I don’t care.

If you’re asian, I don’t care.

If you’re Jewish , I don’t care.

If you’re any other ethnicity or nationality, other than mine, I don’t care.

If you’re straight, I don’t care.

If you’re gay, I don’t care.

If you’re bi, I don’t care.

If you’re cool, I don’t care.

If you’re a dork, I don’t care.

If you’re a Democrat, I don’t care.

If you’re Republican , I don’t care.

If you’re in shape, I don’t care.

If you’re out of shape, I don’t care.

If you’re rich, I don’t care.

If you’re poor, I don’t care.

If you have kids, I don’t care.

If you don’t have kids, I don’t care.

If you go to church, I don’t care.

If you don’t go to church, I don’t care.

If you’re vaccinated, I don’t care.

If you’re unvaccinated, I don’t care.

If you’re a masker, I don’t care.

If you’re not a masker, I don’t care.

If you’re young, I don’t care.

If you’re old, I don’t care.

If you appear to really have your shit together, I don’t care.

If you’re a hot mess, I don’t care.

It’s simple—if you’re cool to me, I’ll be cool to you.

I don’t expect you to understand me, and there’s a chance I won’t understand you… and that’s totally fine.

I have no interest in controlling or directing your life, what you do, how you make a living, or how you love, and I expect the same respect in return.

To me, this is the biggest rub in the world right now—people wanting to tell other people how to live their lives, because they’re convinced their way is the right way.

No offense, but piss off.


I do NOT care how, when, or why you choose to live life like you do. Your plans on how to navigate your trips around the sun is YOUR business.

It’s when you try to hop on my ship and try to take over the helm, when you’re gonna hear me roar.

This is my ship.

This is my helm.

This is my plan.

This is my life.

It’s my choice where I take it.

Do yourself a favor, you do you.

I’ll do me.

And life will be a-okay.

Shame on me.

In late spring, our church took a strong stance on only allowing “masked-up attendees” into worship after first opening the doors, to which (some of you might remember) I shared my opposing views directly with our Pastor. I truly respect our Pastor, and thoroughly enjoy (and find clarity/hope/direction in) his sermons, but I have personal convictions that strongly conflict with these recent policies.

So I tried sharing my point of view to our Pastor, but surprisingly, was basically told that I should stay home and watch via livestream if I couldn’t comply…. and/or find another church.

Shortly after that, in early summer, our church changed their policy—-allowing “fully vaccinated people into worship without masks”. Well, my vaccination status is none of their business…. So my children and I took it as a green light to start attending worship again, mask-free! It was awesome to be back with our church family, and to see (and feel the love from) all of the sweet people that have been around my kiddos since they were babies.

Well, that policy lasted a couple months at most… and now a new more restrictive policy was just sent out to all of us:

“Masks are required for everyone inside the building, regardless of vaccination status. Medical or cloth masks that cover the nose and mouth should be worn by all persons over the age of 2 while indoors. During coffee hour, people are welcome to unmask while actively eating or drinking.”

In my opinion, there are so many ridiculous points to this policy, it’s almost laughable. Two year olds, really? Give me a fucking break.

With this policy, they have:

1. Let my maskless family know that we are no longer welcome,

2. Let my maskless family know that we are too dangerous to be around,

3. Shown the congregation that they’d rather use their positional power to mandate restrictive policies, than offer middle ground options where families can choose how to participate in the in-person option (i.e. by offering a “masks are recommended but optional” policy, results in no one in the congregation being turned away, but all have a choice to make).

So, our church has essentially kicked us to the curb again.

And it’s my fault. First time, shame on them, second time shame on me. I swallowed up the breadcrumbs they offered greedily the first time they tossed them. But I should’ve known better. When a church gets to a point where they are excluding members of their congregation, it is very clear that their moral compass is broken.

Therefore, I am officially on the hunt for a new church… preferably one that has a good amount of children & one that welcomes all to communion. I have a few that have been sent to me earlier this year that I will be starting with, but excited to hear about more, too.

I’m looking forward to this new spiritual chapter & journey, as I:

(1) introduce my children to more and more different formats of religion,

(2) get to meet many more God-fearing humans:),

(3) get to teach my kids through example, that they have the freedom & personal control to design their own life & interactions, and

(4) get to teach my children through example, that no human or policy can stop you from finding your path to connecting with God.



And (although it pains me to say it), “Fuck the Zoo, too!”

Let me start by saying I’m a zoo-lover.

I’m a zoo-fanatic.

I think I could put my closest 500 friends to a test on who has frequented our zoo more, me or them? And I’m pretty sure I’d win every time.

This caused me to become a zoo member probably 8 – 9 years ago, upping my level each year as I rejoined.

But today the zoo pissed me off… more than once.

Since my last visit a couple weeks back, they’ve changed their COVID/mask mandates.

Instead of open gates/no masks like in mid-July, you now must have masks upon entering the zoo & wear masks inside any of their buildings. They also lowered the age requirement from 9 yo + to 5 yo +. They have several obnoxious signs from the parking lot all the way up to the gate stating so, with my favorite condescending, overreaching, privacy-infringing, passive-aggressive -type warning —-“We trust all unvaccinated customers will keep their masks on for the duration of their visit” (or something dumb like that).

I, of course, did not have a mask, nor did my family, as we walked up to the gate for our (mandatory & fucking stupid/annoying/useless) “reservation time”—but my bitching about their ridiculous reservation process is for a different day/blog.

Our maskless gate check-in chick, scanned my reservation barcode & with a super sweet & salesy-trained smile said, “Now do you all have masks on you, for times when you’re entering our buildings?”

I say, “No, but that’s ok because we won’t go in your buildings because of the mask requirement.”

She’s quick to grab 4 masks from her stand and says, “We still require you have them on you just in case.” WTF? They’re now monitoring if we have masks on our persons?!?!?

Then she states, “And of course they’re also required in bathrooms, since those are buildings.” This one almost caused me to come unglued, because I’ll be damned if I’m going to be spied on and/or controlled in the bathroom. Uhhh, GFY, Zoo!

She then looks directly at Chayce and says, “How old are you?” This also pisses me off, because I’m of the mindset that strangers don’t direct my kids, but instead talk directly to me if you need something. It also felt extra shady since you could tell she did that because she didn’t trust the public to tell her the truth.

We grab our 4 masks from her and quickly walk into the zoo, trying to shake off their overbearing policies since we knew we wouldn’t be entering any buildings & therefore wouldn’t be wearing any masks.

Five minutes (and IDK, every 15-20 minutes thereafter), a recorded message came over the PA to remind us all about their fantastic COVID/mask policies… because we are fucking children and require multiple forms of repetitive lessons on tricky subjects like “when to wear our fucking masks”.

We try to ignore their BS as we make our way up to big cat country (via the outside reptiles & new monkey exhibit), and instead focus our attention on the pleasant STL ninety degree heat & suffocating humidity😂. And surprisingly, we all quickly agree that we have 3 more stops/attractions we can withstand in this heat—-the seals/prairie dogs, the stingrays (our fave), and the dinosaurs.

So down the hill we head, through stop 1 (no issues, great sightings:))… to our fave stop every time! We grab our membership pass & pay for 3 tickets (KS waited this one out), and rushed through the line….only to find out that MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE FUCKING STINGRAYS! WTF! They are NOT in a building?!? It is literally under a pavilion, open on all sides, and yet we are required to wear fucking masks! Even dumbass Fauci stated recently that masks aren’t needed outdoors. So at this point, needless to say, I can barely keep my shit together.

We get ushered into our “designated & numbered 6’ safe space”, and my temper is bubbling behind my eyes. My girls are having a blast, laughing & petting the rays, oblivious to the steam escaping my ears… while I’m focusing on calming my breathing.

And that’s when, “Karen” the zoo employee or volunteer (who knows) walks over… not sure what her name was, but this nickname is rather fitting. She immediately starts correcting my girls form & then tries awkwardly to make conversation.

I can’t take any more of her fake conversation-starters, so I blurt out, “What’s up with the change in mask requirements? I was just here and no masks were required, especially in this attraction… since it’s outside.”

Without missing a beat, she’s says, “Well we are following the city’s lead, but in here it’s because we can’t keep everyone 6’ apart.” Which is bullshit, because they have us all separated in these numbered new areas and they don’t let new people in until a spot is free. So that answer is enough to cause me to lose my cool, but then she tosses up one more doozy for me. She says, “And let’s be honest, we are pretty sure relying on the honor system wasn’t working… I know all the vaccinated people were the only ones walking around with masks on.” Clearly, this virtue-signaling bullshit is ingrained in the zoo culture.

To which I reply, “Oh, I agree”…but I don’t think she recognized my serious sarcasm & opposite viewpoint on all. So, I clarified and said, “I can tell you, that as a longtime member, I’ll be cancelling my membership if these mask-policies don’t end.” And then I grabbed my happy/clueless children, and stomped off to the dinos!

The whole visit has me now questioning my faithfulness to the zoo, and my interaction with “Karen” has we questioning my faith in humanity.

It seems the zoo is more interested in showing their overreaching control over the general public, than they are in how they treat their members.

Hopefully, more and more members & customers will voice their opinions so the leadership will course correct their policies.

As for today, the zoo was a bust.

So, I hate to say it, but Zoo… fuck you too.


My Take on the “Isolation Plan”

PSA: This blog contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children and/or sheep 🙂 ). Reader discretion is advised.

Lately, I started to feel like I was losing steam on how to fight the good fight.

Ya know, that tiny little fight for saving all of our freedoms…

The fight for our freedom of speech…

The fight against censorship…

The fight for maintaining our medical privacy…

The fight for maintaining our own choice in medical care…

The fight for giving our children a normal fucking childhood…

The fight for encouraging patriotism…

The fight for saving our beautiful country…

The more bullshit I was seeing on tv, social media, and/or (sadly) from some of my friends, where citizens were fighting against the concept of us keeping all of these basic rights … well, it started to take the wind out of my sails, so to speak.

It started to make me feel like I was on an island alone, lacking support in my undying expectation of liberty. My beliefs weren’t wavering, however, my faith in my fellow countryman was…

So, I haven’t written any blogs in awhile for this reason. I was sort of at a point where I started to think, ‘what’s the point’. I mean, if people weren’t willing to stand up for their freedoms and their children and their country, then that is their problem…

But then I reminded myself… we are being censored worse now than at any other point in history. Of course God-fearing, USA-loving, gun-carrying, anti-masker/vaxxers are feeling isolated and defeated because the majority of our posts and the TRUTH are being censored by dumbass MSM and the elitist-children that run big tech.

Let’s be clear—-this “Isolation Plan” from the left is aggressively using censorship & fake news to make all conservatives feel alone or isolated… or worse yet, wrong about their beliefs. If we are all isolated and deflated and quiet, they’re hoping that certainly we would become more compliant.

Fuck that.

My fellow conservatives, I understand how easy it is to feel alone.

But remember… We aren’t…

Don’t stop fighting.

Don’t stop talking about all of the dangers that come along with being brainwashed by the media.

We are still the silent majority, and we are stronger now than ever…

Keep roaring so the rest of the silent majority keeps up their faith.

Keep roaring so that our children have a chance at a healthy future.

Keep roaring, just in case you’re somehow able to convert a compliant sheep over to our team. 😂

Don’t let this “Isolation Plan” coming down from the top fool you.

We are NOT alone.

Closing this blog with the lyrics to an awesome new song by Aaron Lewis, which was clearly written for the silent majority… I wish I had written such perfect-stated & touching lyrics, focused around this same topic of feeling alone:

“Am I The Only One, by Aaron Lewis

Am I the only one here tonight

Shakin’ my head and thinkin’ somethin’ ain’t right

Is it just me? Am I losin’ my mind?

Am I standin’ on the edge of the end of time?

Am I the only one? Tell me I’m not

Who thinks they’re takin’ all the good we got

And turnin’ it bad, hell, I’ll be damned

I think I’m turnin’ into my old man

Am I the only one, willin’ to bleed

Or take a bullet for bein’ free

Screamin’, “What the fuck” at my TV

For tellin’ me, yeah, are you tellin’ me?

That I’m the only one, willin’ to fight

For my love of the red and white

And the blue, burnin’ on the ground

Another statue comin’ down in a town near you

Watchin’ the threads of Old Glory come undone

Am I the only one not brainwashed?

Makin’ my way through the land of the lost

Who still gives a shit and worries ’bout his kids

As they try to undo all the things he did?

Am I the only one who can’t take no more

Screamin’, “If you don’t like it, there’s the fuckin’ door”

This ain’t the freedom we’ve been fightin’ for

It was somethin’ more, yeah, it was somethin’ more

Am I the only one, willin’ to fight

For my love of the red and white

And the blue, burnin’ on the ground

Another statue comin’ down in a town near you

Watchin’ the threads of Old Glory come undone

I’m not the only one

I can’t be the only one

Am I the only one who quits singin’ along

Every time they play a Springsteen song?

Am I the only one sittin’ here

Still holdin’ on, holdin’ back my tears

For the ones who paid with the lives they gave

God bless the U.S.A

I’m not the only one, willin’ to fight

For my love of the red and white

And the blue, burnin’ on the ground

Another statue comin’ down in a town near you

Watchin’ the threads of Old Glory come undone

I’m not the only one

I can’t be the only one”


My Take on the Happiness of Mother’s Day

I know this is a horribly sad day for many people out there. Those whom have lost their momma’s, and those momma’s whom have lost any of their babies … and “lost” can take on many meanings.

And I don’t take their pain lightly. I sit on the sidelines and watch their grief & strength, and pray to be as strong as they are one day.

Their pain provides such a clear picture of the fragility of life, and of the blessings we are all wrapped in each day.

For me, the thought of that form of unbearable sadness is like a giant hungry bear chasing me…. and I can’t stop running.

This metaphorical run for me is the process of making memories. I know there’s a chance that one day, before I meet my Maker, I’m gonna get my arse chomped by that bear and suffer incomprehensible pain from the loss of a loved one…but in the meantime, I’m gonna keep my eyes focused on soaking up as much love as I possibly can on the run of life…

How many more mornings can I snuggle my babies, who still sneak into my nooks in the middle of the night?

How many more mornings, after I drop my kids off at school, can I call and jabber with my momma about nothing?

How many more car rides can we take where I reach my hand back and just hold on to one of my girl’s little feet… just to feel their energy through me?

How many more times will we have holidays with all little kids who mainly just want to hang out with us?

How many more times can I call my mom and ask her a random life lesson on plants or a recipe or pets?

How many more times will my littles reach out and wrap their hands around my pointer finger when we are walking?

How many more times will my littles crawl on top of my lap and fall asleep on me?

How many more baby hugs are there to be gotten?

How many more times will I get to sit and hear my momma tell stories about how it was for her growing up?

How many more cries are there, that only I can calm for my babies?

How many more times will my momma and I get to clear a dance floor with our wide-berth dancing😂?

How many more times will my kids ask me for an “attack” (30 seconds of rapid fire kisses on their neck, cheeks, or lips) when I drop them off at school?

And although we are all healthy and happy and carefree, with no bears on the horizon….

It all goes by so fast.

Slow days, fast years.

I’ll just be over here running… soaking in as much love & fun & memories as I possibly can…. for the foreseeable future.


My Take on Your Fear Impacting My Children

As so many of you realize, our children are missing out on the most important moments of life, thanks to those driving the restrictions of our personal freedoms & the sheep believing the narrative.

My children (well really, OUR children) are missing out on:

•Interacting with adults. I’ve intentionally moved my children into a school where they can physically socialize with children and adults. However, the life lessons of receiving a kind smile and thoughtful words after holding a door open at a store, helping an elderly person reach something on a low shelf, or developing the skill of a polite greeting & handshake have all been obliterated. Most people in public won’t make eye contact with such “nasty-germ-carriers”, and our babies recognize these looks.

•Church & Sunday School lessons. Virtual lessons are not working. The relationships with my Sunday School teachers & classmates were some of the most critical in teaching me right from wrong, how & why to pray, and what faith truly means. Most children have missed a year of their religious education & development.

•Learning how to read expressions. This is critical in teaching them how to relate to others, and how to determine the emotions in the person they are approaching. Their instincts to know if a person means well develops at a young age, and we are cutting their chances of developing strong instincts about others in half, by covering up faces.

•Group sports. I refuse to require my children to wear a mask during physical activities, which as a parent I absolutely have the right. This principle significantly limits the activities that they can be involved in. This can affect their future involvement, interest, and eventually their collegiate plans.

•Many young children are missing out on a true education—-before you take that as a judgmental statement, please observe any child 6 or under attempting to focus on just 1 hour of a virtual lesson.

•Most children are missing out on building a strong immune system, which will protect them as they age.

•Obviously, children are missing out on so many aspects of socialization. Children need to interact with others to learn how to react when their feelings are hurt, or when they’re happy, or when they’re angry. We are stunting our children’s emotional intelligence.

•Our children are missing out on all the exciting big first events that parents dream about taking them to: (1) their first professional ballgame, (2) their first outdoor concert, (3) all of their big or small town holiday parades, and (4) their first parent-child jam-packed road race.

So the next time you consider approaching me (or any parent) about not wearing a mask, you better recognize it’s about so much more than, “I just don’t want to,” “It’s uncomfortable,” or, “I don’t believe in it.”

It’s about our children being robbed of their childhoods.

It’s about all of us parents, being robbed of experiencing the true joy of raising our children in a normal free society.

It’s about robbing our babies of their education, their religious beliefs, their health, their emotional intelligence, their abilities to be a productive members of society… and most importantly, their joy.

And if you’re approaching me, then you better realize I see YOU as the THIEF. So you best proceed with caution.

This bullshit has gone on long enough.

Parents, for the love of God, please come together and push back against all of the restrictions on our freedoms.

Our children are counting on us to be fearless.

Our children are counting on us to defend them.

Our children are counting on us.


My Take on the Next 4 Years

I’m expecting a lot of change in the next 4 years…. personally, professionally, nationally, and politically.

Here are my best guesses on what might happen by 2025:

I’m gonna get older… but will try my damned-est to not look it😂

My babies will transition from little Kindergartener/2nd grader-ers to 3rd/6th graders… despite all my efforts to keep them little just a bit longer.

I’m gonna get more gray hair, due to aforementioned children… but will still use bottles to keep that shit covered.

My beagles will start to slow their roll as they hit middle age … but they’ll still be restricted from any free-roaming privileges based on past behavior.

The damn hawks will still hunt my hens… but my youngster rooster will grow up, grow a pair, & fight back.

Our home, which is currently covered in plastic wrap & dust due to construction, will finally have the rooms we set out to redo/add-on (2 years ago) finished… but it will still never be quite clean enough to be “appropriate” for company.

The 1/2 dug hole in our yard will finally be a finished pool… and will become my extended family’s summer hangout…

I’m gonna keep moving at work; onward & upward, with any kind of luck… but I’m totally open to winning the lottery & quitting, as well.

My husband will hopefully be at the age that he’s considering retirement in the coming years… but let’s be honest… he’s never gonna retire:)

My workouts will still be in full swing.. but I might have a bit more jiggle in my wiggle.

My amazing sense-of-humor will still be intact… but sadly, it still will be wasted on so many fuddy-duddies😂

The earth will keep spinning.

Politicians will get more crooked.

Taxes will get higher… much higher.

Gas prices will get higher.

Minimum wage will get higher.

Our nation’s debt will get bigger.

Destruction and riots will be more prevalent & those responsible will not be held accountable.

Our National Anthem will continue to be challenged & disrespected.

Companies overseas will start receiving significant “breaks” to compete in the US.

Corporation regulations will hit a new high level in history.

Unemployment will spike, as US companies collapse beneath the increased overseas competition, increased minimal wage, and increased corporate regulations.

Our borders will be opened & as a result we’ll be attacked on our own soil and new “deadly-pandemic-diseases” will be easily introduced to our population.

More babies will be aborted in our nation, than any other time in history.

And undoubtedly, we will start a war.

But DON’T lose hope.

The backbone of our country (the silent majority) is intact.

So…. as the years roll on, and the America we knew starts to disappear… the silent majority will start to roar.

We, the silent majority, will do what we do best.

We will turn off the fake news, and focus on our familes, our faith, & our ammunition inventory.

We will still go to work everyday.

We will still provide for our families everyday.

We will still find ways to attend church every week.

We will pray.

We will continue to help our neighbors & small businesses where we can.

We will still be law-abiding citizens and we will still support our military & law enforcement.

We will still stand tall, take our hats off, and place our hands on our hearts for the National Anthem.

And despite the corrupt outcome of this past election, we WILL make a change.

Without the support of the silent majority:

The news that we know today will disappear.

Social media that we know today will disappear.

Big tech will collapse.

Huge discriminatory corporations will crumble.

Companies like GOYA & MyPillow will continue to thrive.

More & more patriotic companies will become more vocal… and therefore, will become more successful.

More fantastic, inspiring, & intelligent Patriots will be voted into office at every level of government.

Every disloyal, cowardly, fucking RINO will be voted out of office.


and lastly…

and most importantly…

Donald Trump will be re-elected.

The end.

My Take on Cults

I’ve been hearing the word “cult” thrown around quite a bit lately…

So, I looked up the official definition on Google:”

1. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

2. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.”

The first definition doesn’t apply to the use nowadays, as our group is comprised of 80 million people (hardly small).

So, I am assuming, the keyboard-tough-guys using this term about Trumpers are linking us to the 2nd definition: a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.

So, as you might guess, I have a few opinions on this.

The biggest inaccurate assumption by those who hate Trump/Trumpers is that we idolize Trump. As I read through many posts, comments & MSM articles categorizing Trumpers, the main theme I get from our political opponents is that we must all be stupid redneck racists to idolize the big, bad, orange man. It makes lefties crazy, trying to understand what could possibly be going on with the brains of all of their friends & family, whom they’ve always understood & loved up to this point.

The logical answer is we are part of a cult.

That President Trump must have used his witty, eloquent speech to lure all of us “dimwits” into his lair.

If that was the answer, I think this could be such an easy situation for those on the left to process.

Sadly, it’s not. It’s actually so much simpler to explain, but from my point of view, when I’ve made the poor decision to try and verbally debate with a lefty in the past, and therefore open my mouth to explain my point of view, in most cases there are flames that rise up in my “accusers” eyes…. and suddenly, it feels like we are stumbling around in the town of Babel, with no path to communicate.

So let me try typing it out here, and see if it helps.

I am not speaking on behalf of all the Trumpers out there, but I believe most are aligned with my point of view…. well, because I’m amazing 😂.

I don’t idolize Trump.

I poke fun of his orange-ness & his inability to give a speech without saying “millions and millions”.

I realize there have been times his tweets might not have been Presidential, per se, but have always brought me joy because he’s not afraid to speak his mind.

I don’t particularly like his hair… 😂 I was holding out hope for a man bun, but you get my point…. I don’t idolize him.

I “idolize” (and I say that, meaning to the strongest level possible without violating the Ten Commandments) the United States of America.

My blood bleeds red, white, & blue. I’m a patriot, and I love our country.

Now, I absolutely dig the shit out of Trump. Why? Because he has fought harder for all of the values & beliefs that I support, than any man in history.

He didn’t back down from lifetime politicians.

He didn’t let the horrifically biased MSM slow his roll.

He didn’t let the continuous onslaught of hypocritical (and 100% out of touch) celebrity attacks hurt his feelings.

He didn’t let the continuous accusations from the left affect his momentum.

He got in office, and immediately started annihilating his to-do list (ya know, his list of promises to his voters). This was so awesome to watch as a conservative, because so often our political representatives have made so many side-deals prior to getting in office, that once they finally get into office, they are unable to fulfill their promises.

Well, Trump was an outsider. He didn’t owe jack-shit to anyone on Capital Hill, which made him an amazing threat to the left & to the spineless RINOs. And we (the Trumpers) could see this immediately.

Honestly, in November 2016, most of us were hoping for the best, but expecting mediocre, based on historical precedence.

But we became #1 fans when we saw all of our values & beliefs being attacked by the left & the media, and this 70-ish year old man boldly standing between our attackers and us.

We don’t idolize him.

We truly respect him as a strong, honest, uncompromising, lionhearted-leader that he has shown himself to be for our party of patriots.

It’s so sad, because our media has become so biased and untrustworthy, that none of us can be certain of the real facts anymore. And I know my haters/trollers are sitting back making redline edits to each statement and accomplishment I’ve proclaimed here about my President.

But, as I’ve said “millions and millions and millions” of times, I’m not trying to change anyone’s point of view. I’m merely trying to explain mine.

The scary part of all of the bullshit from this last year, is I don’t know anyone foolish enough to try and follow his footsteps. Anyone that would, would walk into it knowing:

1. Their family would be unfairly tormented & torn apart by the media and all the tough-guy keyboard-nasties out there.

2. Despite his/her best efforts to drive America to the highest level of success, his/her political enemies would rather destroy the country, the communities, the patriotism, the economy in order to protect their self-interests.

3. Even if he/she won the election fair & square, it would be filled with fraud (proof of which would be available via videos & affidavits, but which would be censored by big-tech opponents), and would result in an unfair loss.

4. The bottom line, that the only outcome in our current system would be loss. Because our system is rigged, broken, and no longer trustworthy to at least 1/2 our population.

So one last analogy, to try and make my point of view crystal-clear.

Imagine as you lay your head on your pillow tonight and start to drift soundly to sleep, a group of people bust through your front door.

They forcibly grab you and your spouse & children, and throw you out on the front porch. You hear a few clicks, and realize the locks are changed.

Shocked & exhausted, you gather up your family and start walking down the driveway in search of where to stay for the night, when one of the intruders walks up behind you and extends his hand. He says, “No hard feelings, bud, hope we can stay friends.”

This is how true Trumpers feel right now. “Millions and millions and millions” of people feel like we have just been unfairly thrown out on our front porches in the middle of the night.

And sadly, the only person we know that can help us right the wrong is Trump.

So is that a cult, well I don’t think so.

That’s true belief & respect in a leader.

So throw whatever terms around about us that you want, because we’re not scared.

We have God and Trump on our side.

If you’re on the left, the only thing you should be pissed about, is you’ll never, ever, EVER, experience this type of truly-devoted political leader on your side.

And calling us names is probably easier than realizing that… so carry on, we understand.





My Take on Restoring Patriotism

Sorry I’ve been absent a few days… went to Key West with my momma & sister for a much needed girls trip & tried to stay away from technology/politics as much as possible. It was awesome.

I gotta tell you, the first 2 weeks of this year, were so intense, that I was struggling to find a peaceful moment to where I could form a clear rationale thought. The news, the tweets, the trolls, the censorship, the capital, people relying on the MSM as their news source, the 6th in general… too much shit to process thoroughly. And worse than not finding any peaceful-moments, I was struggling to believe in the base of patriotism in our country.

For those that follow me, probably know a few things about me (in no particular order).

1. I’m super cool & witty. 😂

2. I love my family, especially my little terrorist-children.

3. I’m pretty darn country.

4. I like to work hard/play hard.

5. I like to shoot guns.

6. I don’t like anyone (especially the government or Karen’s) telling me (or anyone else for that matter) what to do or how to live.

7. I appreciate & respect all walks of life, all the different ways people do life, and all points of view about politics/life ….but my friends have grown to understand that I will always feel comfortable roaring about my beliefs (with minimal interest in their opinions of my beliefs😂).

8. I love President Trump.

9. I believe in God.

10. I love the United States of America.

So anywho, last week, we rolled into my favorite badass little town, known to be relatively liberal-leaning. In fact, the first night we hung out with locals, and they warned us to not talk about our support for Trump with anyone.

Well, as I already mentioned, I don’t like being told what to do….

So we mentioned it, in almost every restaurant & bar we visited.

And I’ll tell you, every single group of folks we met (& there were a ton, because everyone loves my momma, aka Spring Break Barbara) were Trumpers.

On top of that, the owners/singers in Irish Kevin’s were so pro-America & pro-military! Everything about this tourist bar filled me with pride! They have a tv on the wall flipping through veterans pictures/bios, they have a gigantic American flag hanging from the ceiling, and every singer individually points out & thanks every active duty/veteran during their set. This bar, that I’ve patronized almost yearly since I was stationed in Key West back in 2002, completely restored my faith in true patriotism. This was exactly what I needed—-a patriotic recharge!

One particular singer, Trenton Chandler, had us all “stand on our feet, take our caps off, place our hand over our heart, and say the Pledge of Allegiance.” He followed it with singing “Courtesy of the Red, White, & Blue”…. and concluded with a “USA”-chant. Each time he did it, the crowd was crazy.

My favorite of all his words that day, just as we were getting ready to say the Pledge of Allegiance was: “Everyone look around and make note of who in here is choosing not to stand, that tells you all you need to know about them.”

God Bless, Trenton Chandler.

God Bless, Irish Kevin’s!

God Bless, Trump!

And God Bless, America!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


